New Phone, Who Dis?

If you have a phone and live in the greater Tri-Cities area, then odds are that you've received a text from a Doug White "volunteer:"

I can't help but notice that all come from the 541 area code. Either Doug is unusually popular in the greater Portland area, he hired a Portland area publicity firm to do this outreach for him and they are not smart enough to use 509 area code burners, or his campaign wasn't smart enough to use 509 area code burners instead of 541 for all of this contact. I'm partial to the later explanation because the simplest explanation is usually correct. You'd think someone who has raised a decent amount of money would be  able to do some of the basics.

Doug's message here is clear. He's pro-farmer, he represents "us," he wants to "give central Washington a voice," reduce the deficit and other platitudes. How he plans to do that is anyone's guess, but talking points and generalities are the strategy here. We all get it. We know the real strategy. Doug White can't differentiate himself on issues against Dan Newhouse because at best, he agrees with Dan Newhouse, at worst, he's the polar opposite of the constituents of the 4th Congressional District.

While I want to be perplexed by the hard press of the Democrats to try and pull a fast one in Washington's reddest district, I am grounded in the reality of our political situation where the Democratic Party went all in to take out Peter Meijer in Michigan just to have a shot at flipping a seat. Democrats should be thankful to have a sane, respectable, competent, honorable representative in Dan Newhouse. Unfortunately, all politics is national and a vote for Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic majority is at stake. That's what they really care about. It's not because Dan Newhouse has failed to represent our interests. It's about the national agenda and it's ugly. Doug White should be ashamed of himself and his enablers should find a different hobby. 


  1. Doug White's "My Vision" page on his campaign website rings hollow. He mentions Immigration, but seems to forget that Congressman Newhouse has twice passed the "Farm Workforce Modernization Act" through the House with bipartisan support, only to see it stall in the Senate. Congressman Newhouse has also done a great job advocating against the "waters of the United States" WOTUS rule that was dreamed up during the Obama administration and would represent federal government overreach on a massive scale that would damage our farming community in eastern Washington as well as farming communities across the country. Also Doug mentions that clean energy comes from the Columbia River dams, did he forget that we also have dams on the Snake River. Maybe their energy is unclean....


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