Eastern Washington REPRESENT!

We're back from a long break and no shortage of fun content -- but let's start with a layup. 

Freshly re-elected WA Senator Patty Murray nominated Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren out of the Spokane County Superior Court to serve as United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Washington. Murray rattles off some of Judge B's background including working as an assistant attorney general and the aforementioned stint on the Spokane County Superior Court. She also makes sure to mention that she would be the "first black federal judge to serve in the Eastern District of Washington state...and that matters." I'd love to see the master list of what various diversity "firsts" we've yet to check off. Obviously, there are all political positions (elected and appointed) at all levels across the country, but don't sleep on coaches of sports teams, award winners for ceremonies big and small...

Anyway, then comes the fun part: a must-watch part of her confirmation process where Senator Kennedy (R-LA) asks some rather basic legal questions.

What is Article V of the Constitution?

What is Article II of the Constitution?

What is purposivism?

Now, I'll admit I probably knew Article V back in junior high but it didn't immediately come back to me (it's the amendment process). Article II is as close to a no-brainer for anyone who is remotely civically engaged (especially a superior court judge). I had to look up purposivism, but I'm also not an attorney (although I almost was).

Quite an embarrassing showing for Judge B. 

Senator Kennedy, to his credit, remains an equal opportunity griller of judicial nominees (to the extent that asking very simple legal questions and concepts could be construed as grilling) as evidenced by this previous clip of a Trump appointee letting his inexperience shine. 


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