Pad Thaigate

First, off, credit where due to Greta Hoffman for this photo to serve as the cover for our story here:

The nationwide drag show controversy has thrust itself into the spotlight in Tri-Cities with, the local ABC affiliate, piling on with this nonsensical headline: "Richland business getting harassed; Mayor Pro Tem says she encouraged the calls." 

It's not worth giving them the clicks, but obviously, we feel obligated to provide the link. After all, clicks are what they are after when at the bottom of the article one is greeted with, well, this:

That is Grade-A, Top Choice Click Bait. Luckily, we have a veritable who's-who of local leftists ready to leap in and fan the flames, but first, what is the issue here? Well, in short, Richland has found itself in its very own Pizzagate-ish controversy. There's nice 5-minute video clip of all the action right here as posted by the general manager of the Emerald of Siam, the business at the center of the controversy.

So, we have a community member who was upset about a local drag show that welcomed children. Now, is a drag show inherently evil and harmful? No, not in this humble blogger's opinion. I can admit to having gone to a drag show before somewhere in the deep recesses of Seattle (before it was a hellhole). Imagine Teatro ZinZanni with less talent. Two hot chicks I worked with "dragged" me there (get it?). Anyway, was it overtly sexual? Not really. Appropriate for children, also no. That doesn't mean there couldn't be some PG versions out there. That also doesn't mean there aren't some damn near X-rated versions out there. So where is the line? There is a compelling case that this is quite often an exaggerated moral panic as outlined by Reason magazine. Yet, seeing some of the videos make one wonder why any parents think it is a good idea to expose their children to anything even remotely provocative. 

The clip proceeds to show the general manager of the establishment (he who posted the clip above) politely complaining of harassment towards his staff and delivering a request for the council to offer their public support for the business and diversity, etc. No issue with his request or comments. Good for him thus far.

Anyway, the clip proceeds to show Richland City Council member Theresa Richardson comment "I've been getting many calls about people's concern and I'd like to just add that I for one have enjoyed going to the Emerald of Siam. I'm glad that they feature local music and it's a good environment that way, but I do have to say that I'm particularly very sad that they picked this event to have on Easter Sunday and to gear it to the children because this doesn't reflect our community values. So, I've been encouraging people just to send Emerald of Siam a note, a polite note, just expressing that you're sad about doing that."

That has caused quite a response from the online left. First, the Benton County Democrats weighed in:

While the Democrats say they are "very concerned," they don't exactly say what they are concerned about. Maybe because they know better, but let's see who will spell it out. Luckily, we don't have to go far...Sugar Babcock can whip it out for us:

There you have it...Theresa "ordered the harassment." Well, Sugar may think so, but who else? Oh, there's Elizabeth Vann-Clark (yes, that one) piling on:

Oh, and what is a Facebook post without Jeff Marzyck weighing in (whoever that is):

Oh, and why not have Vann-Clark call for challengers and Joe Gilmour, another keyboard warrior, to call to "clean house" while his wife, former council member, admin member of the Tri-City Civility Caucus, and now a totally independent and objective journalist, of course, chime in as well:

Oh, just for good measure, here is weed baron, former Kennewick council member (fresh off quite the ass-kicking after having shoveled a lot of his own cash into a wood chipper), and Facebook aficionado Steve Lee providing some gold material suggesting drag performers show up at Richardson's church while Tim Thorton, the aforementioned general manager of Emerald of Siam makes one of many appearances:

Let's actually address the controversy here and really focus on the meat (no pun intended) of the apparently abhorrent quote from Richardson: "I've been getting many calls about people's concern...[s]o, I've been encouraging people just to send Emerald of Siam a note, a polite note, just expressing that you're sad about doing that." 

1. People have been calling the council member about this issue. 
2. She encouraged them to take it up with the business, politely.
3. That's it.

Is Richardson's quote tantamount to "encouraging local residents to harass The Emerald of Siam?"

Or are they out of their collective minds? 

Now, let's be clear. Are people "harassing" the staff at the Emerald of Siam. Knowing the behavior of our local fringe right-wing, most assuredly. That doesn't mean those people are Richardson's "followers" or that they received any sort of encouragement directly from her. Richardson simply told the people who contacted her about this matter to politely take it up with the business rather than seeking a governmental intervention.

To Theresa Richardson, kudos for being classy even in the face of the mob:

To the minor credit of "Yaktrinews," they do accurately quote Richardson in the article but the headline is complete garbage. Your humble blogger reached out to the author of the article for comment, but no comment was received by the time of this publishing (feels nice to write that). 

To the left-wing reactionaries who so diligently fight their battles in the world of Facebook, I salute your bravery and courage. You are true heroes and may you enjoy getting trounced by Theresa Richardson again in the upcoming election.

To the Emerald of Siam, your beer is overpriced, your Thai food kind of sucks, and apparently, your general manager is as much of a Facebook troll as any of the nuts shown above.


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